Deze tekening is gebaseerd op een liedje dat ik heb geschreven en opgenomen in 2019. Het gaat over een gevoel van introversie, een onderdeel van mijn persoonlijkheid, maar het is een gevoel waar iedereen zich misschien zo nu en dan in zou kunnen vinden. Ik omhels het als een stukje van wie ik ben en heb er iets gezelligs en grappigs van gemaakt. Hieronder de lyrics:
♫ I got an invitation, it says ‘be there at eight’
I could go an hour, then say it’s getting late.
‘I have to get up early’, ‘ooh, my cat is sick!’,
‘I think your uncle is a dick’.
I’d rather stay at home, I don’t feel like getting dressed,
Awful pie and smalltalk – it just makes me feel depressed,
There’s just one little someone who makes me wanna go,
Someone I would like to get to know a little better.
For what good is a party without a good old dog?
A well excuse for playing and a reason not to talk!
His name is Mister Toothless, his eyes might not be straight,
I know that he drools a bit, but he really is my mate.
That little fluffy pupper – he makes my evening bright!
If I don’t like the snacks they serve, he’ll gladly take a bite.
Throw away some ugly purse from another guest,
Just so Toothless can do a little fetch.
Ooh, little doggo, party pupper, little doggo, partypupper, little doggo,
Party – pupper – little – doggo – ooh!
So whenever there’s a feeling of party in the air,
I find myself asking, ‘will the dog also be there?
He’s the one condition for me to be present,
Don’t bring him to the neighbours, or I will say I can’t’.
For what good is a party without a good old dog?
A well excuse for playing and a reason not to talk!
His name is Mister Toothless, his eyes might not be straight,
I know that he drools a bit, but he really is my mate. ♫
© Copyright lyrics and melody by Janne de Jong